March 13, 2010

the "GREAT STATE" (U.S.?) ... of Texas...

...clearly....CLEARLY(!)...has its proverbial HEAD UP ITS TEX-ASS!

Texas Removes Thomas Jefferson From Teaching Standard - AOL News

i'm sorry....ummm....WHAT?

ok, so it's not the ENTIRE state of texas and all of its inhabitants. it's the SCHOOL BOARD....well, ok...t'was 10 members of the board that voted,

Yee Haw sound bite

and kicked up their spurs and STRUCK THOMAS JEFFERSON down and out of the standard history teaching materials for public schools throughout the "LONE STAR" state. and when i say "LONE STAR" state, i'm not referring to its historical state motto. oh no! just as they have, more or less, "changed" history as it relates to the OH SO ANTIQUATED teachings of TJ, i hereby declare that the great state, should its citizens not over-turn this disastrous decision, truly live up to my new definition thereof.  i needn't define it for ya'll...purdy clear, i reckon.  ("disastrous"...too harsh?  hmmmm...time will tell....tick tock...oop!  times out!  you lose!) 

since the board is on a "history-rewrite" roll, not to mention their lexiconic censorship sporting the finest euphemistic outter-wear (faux fur, "naturally"), so as not to subjugate their, hopefully, "free-thinking" young, to any negative connotation, let's help them out a bit, shall we? cuz, gosh! there's a lot of negative, un-PC shit out there. (oops! shit!  damn!  i did it again....WHERE'S MY CENSOR?)

"Political Correctness Pervades History Books" - Rrichard Fournier, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
"Rewriting History" - PRI's The World
"Texas: Thomas Aquinas to replace Thomas Jefferson in Enlightenment carriculum" - Kate Shellnutt, Houston Belief

8/13/1786  Thomas Jefferson to George Wyeth

"I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness...Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils [tyranny, oppression, etc.] and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance."   

i got a little derailed from original intent, but seeing how it's getting late, i'll sum it up here with the following song and video, "We didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel.  So much American History to rewrite...some 234 years worth!  i for one, am glad that these board of education bafoons don't have their tyrranical strong-arm in the mix education in such places in the world with 10x the history and 1000x the greatness of men who are still remembered, revered and respected for who and what they were and what they represented and accomplished. 
