August 21, 2009
so i hop on facebook the other day for the first time in awhile. my friend mark sent me a message in conjunction with a facebook application, "who is your guardian angel?" below are my results.

in a prior post, i spoke of an email my mother sent me regarding the caduces / rod of asclepius / hermes / mercury /iris (mythological goddess as well as the flower) / and so on. prior to taking this fun, simple quiz i knew absolutely nothing about archangels and, for the most part, i still don't even though i've a book in my bedroom regarding such matter. there it waits for me to open it up and read thru it's informative pages. coincidence? nay!
i don't believe in coincidences.
i believe in synchronicity.
SyNCHRONICITy is simply a coincidence of events that seemingly have no relation to one another but do, in fact, have meaning.
when one is in "sync", it is a confirmation that the path he/she walks upon is TRUE and the "gods" are actively involved. has anyone noticed the increased use of "sync" with regards to technology these days? anyway, my angel results and my prior post on the caduces is, well,..IN SYNC! you can see for yourself if you's all there...i won't connect the dots here.
for about 6 months now i've been, quite literally, devouring information in books, on the web, and all around me. i've become "aware". i am on a path of exponential growth in knowledge, awareness, intuition, spiritualism, humanitarianism, expression, freedom, love, selflessness, balance, experimentation, critical thinking, the order of things, symbolism, and the list goes on. all of this in relation to the world i see has sent my head spinning with joy and excitement. with all this new stuff inside my head and with continued growth and understanding as it applies to my life and mine AND your future, the act of "CONNECTING THE DOTS" between the past, present and future in every respect conceivable or not, has changed my life in such a way that it will never, ever be the same again. i look forward to sharing many of my experiences with you, whomever you may be, and hearing from you all as well.
as i dive deeper to discover new meaning in all that i've experienced, i just love it when i can, as i said above, "connect the dots". in other words, i am putting the contents of my "gray matter" to use, using all of my senses, and taking in all the information around me and putting it into "sync". and so i've come up with a name (one of many) for myself. i am a:
being a synchromancer is a challenge. if you don't know me, i LOVE a challenge. i am competitive. i play to win but my dear parents also taught me how to be a good loser. i love games...i love puzzles. life is a puzzle to which i discover new pieces each and every day and finding its place or relationship(s)to the other pieces of the puzzle in front of me. it's fun, challenging and satisfies my curiosity and intellectual promiscuity. i flip for verbal gymnastics. i may have an "argument" just for the sake of stretching my brain. many times while conversing, my mind is going so fast and i want to share so much and what i want to share goes in a thousand different directions such that my spoken words get a little sloppy and my focus fragmented. this gives the outward appearance to others with whom i am not in sync that i am cuckoo. i feel that way anyway...but i'm not cuckoo. i'm a friggin' genius... of sorts. but when i encounter someone with whom i am in sync, i feel delicious. this is how it is with my friend mark. we "get" each other. we are "in sync". unfortunately, most people out there are too busy with what they call "life" that life is passing them by and true awareness goes unnoticed. i believe this awareness feeds the soul. in herman hesses' SIDDHARTHA, the author of the introduction describes how in today's world (at least to "kids-in-a-candy-store-americans") all the goodies, entertainment, technological gizmos and gadgets (is the internet a distraction or a tool?) along with a fast-paced way of living leaves the soul undernourished. we're so busy with life and "stuff" that the things that are truly important "starve". at some point, something has got to give. and i believe that point has been reached. i believe that this is one explanation for the global phenomena of 11:11...and that's another story for another time. (oh...and this author that wrote the introduction to SIDDHARTHA in 1999 was living in boulder, colorado at the time and formerly of san francisco. in 1999, i moved to san francisco...formerly of boulder, colorado)
and so i suggest to all of you out there...BE AWARE! don't dismiss "coincidences". if you are already or are starting to "connect the dots" then grrrrrrreat! and when doing so, give it your attention...put the pieces of the puzzle together. it's not just a's your life and your future. recently, i was recounting some of my new-found and trivial (to him, anyway) knowledge and experiences to a friend. as i did so, i expressed myself with rapid delight and enthusiasm which was followed by critical thinking, deeper and/or rhetorical questioning for meaning. he said that he had done the same a number of years ago and was, on a lesser level than before, still practicing awareness. however, he recommended that i just take comfort in knowing that the connections are there and stop spending so much time trying to find meaning in everything. i was taken back. for starters, we don't know one another all that well. that said, he doesn't understand my mind, my craving for information, my hypercuriosity, my liking to debate and witty banter. secondly, being comforted in knowing that it's there is almost like not taking notice of it at all in the first place. it may not seem so important at the time but if it goes unnoticed it won't have any meaning down the road. this reminds me a line from "the color purple". as celie and shug avery strolled thru a field of purple flowers, shug said something like, "i bet it pisses god off when you don't notice the color purple." taking my friend's advice is kind of like that. or it'd be like buying a puzzle because you love to do them so much but when you get it home it just sits in the closet...but, oh no! it's there and that's good enough for me! nay! take notice! take notes! take everything in! you needn't connect all the dots right this instance. just collect the dots and set them aside until you need them. but realize, friend, you can't connect the dots if you haven't gathered any dots to connect!
in a prior post, i spoke of an email my mother sent me regarding the caduces / rod of asclepius / hermes / mercury /iris (mythological goddess as well as the flower) / and so on. prior to taking this fun, simple quiz i knew absolutely nothing about archangels and, for the most part, i still don't even though i've a book in my bedroom regarding such matter. there it waits for me to open it up and read thru it's informative pages. coincidence? nay!
i don't believe in coincidences.
i believe in synchronicity.
SyNCHRONICITy is simply a coincidence of events that seemingly have no relation to one another but do, in fact, have meaning.
when one is in "sync", it is a confirmation that the path he/she walks upon is TRUE and the "gods" are actively involved. has anyone noticed the increased use of "sync" with regards to technology these days? anyway, my angel results and my prior post on the caduces is, well,..IN SYNC! you can see for yourself if you's all there...i won't connect the dots here.
for about 6 months now i've been, quite literally, devouring information in books, on the web, and all around me. i've become "aware". i am on a path of exponential growth in knowledge, awareness, intuition, spiritualism, humanitarianism, expression, freedom, love, selflessness, balance, experimentation, critical thinking, the order of things, symbolism, and the list goes on. all of this in relation to the world i see has sent my head spinning with joy and excitement. with all this new stuff inside my head and with continued growth and understanding as it applies to my life and mine AND your future, the act of "CONNECTING THE DOTS" between the past, present and future in every respect conceivable or not, has changed my life in such a way that it will never, ever be the same again. i look forward to sharing many of my experiences with you, whomever you may be, and hearing from you all as well.
as i dive deeper to discover new meaning in all that i've experienced, i just love it when i can, as i said above, "connect the dots". in other words, i am putting the contents of my "gray matter" to use, using all of my senses, and taking in all the information around me and putting it into "sync". and so i've come up with a name (one of many) for myself. i am a:
being a synchromancer is a challenge. if you don't know me, i LOVE a challenge. i am competitive. i play to win but my dear parents also taught me how to be a good loser. i love games...i love puzzles. life is a puzzle to which i discover new pieces each and every day and finding its place or relationship(s)to the other pieces of the puzzle in front of me. it's fun, challenging and satisfies my curiosity and intellectual promiscuity. i flip for verbal gymnastics. i may have an "argument" just for the sake of stretching my brain. many times while conversing, my mind is going so fast and i want to share so much and what i want to share goes in a thousand different directions such that my spoken words get a little sloppy and my focus fragmented. this gives the outward appearance to others with whom i am not in sync that i am cuckoo. i feel that way anyway...but i'm not cuckoo. i'm a friggin' genius... of sorts. but when i encounter someone with whom i am in sync, i feel delicious. this is how it is with my friend mark. we "get" each other. we are "in sync". unfortunately, most people out there are too busy with what they call "life" that life is passing them by and true awareness goes unnoticed. i believe this awareness feeds the soul. in herman hesses' SIDDHARTHA, the author of the introduction describes how in today's world (at least to "kids-in-a-candy-store-americans") all the goodies, entertainment, technological gizmos and gadgets (is the internet a distraction or a tool?) along with a fast-paced way of living leaves the soul undernourished. we're so busy with life and "stuff" that the things that are truly important "starve". at some point, something has got to give. and i believe that point has been reached. i believe that this is one explanation for the global phenomena of 11:11...and that's another story for another time. (oh...and this author that wrote the introduction to SIDDHARTHA in 1999 was living in boulder, colorado at the time and formerly of san francisco. in 1999, i moved to san francisco...formerly of boulder, colorado
and so i suggest to all of you out there...BE AWARE! don't dismiss "coincidences". if you are already or are starting to "connect the dots" then grrrrrrreat! and when doing so, give it your attention...put the pieces of the puzzle together. it's not just a's your life and your future. recently, i was recounting some of my new-found and trivial (to him, anyway) knowledge and experiences to a friend. as i did so, i expressed myself with rapid delight and enthusiasm which was followed by critical thinking, deeper and/or rhetorical questioning for meaning. he said that he had done the same a number of years ago and was, on a lesser level than before, still practicing awareness. however, he recommended that i just take comfort in knowing that the connections are there and stop spending so much time trying to find meaning in everything. i was taken back. for starters, we don't know one another all that well. that said, he doesn't understand my mind, my craving for information, my hypercuriosity, my liking to debate and witty banter. secondly, being comforted in knowing that it's there is almost like not taking notice of it at all in the first place. it may not seem so important at the time but if it goes unnoticed it won't have any meaning down the road. this reminds me a line from "the color purple". as celie and shug avery strolled thru a field of purple flowers, shug said something like, "i bet it pisses god off when you don't notice the color purple." taking my friend's advice is kind of like that. or it'd be like buying a puzzle because you love to do them so much but when you get it home it just sits in the closet...but, oh no! it's there and that's good enough for me! nay! take notice! take notes! take everything in! you needn't connect all the dots right this instance. just collect the dots and set them aside until you need them. but realize, friend, you can't connect the dots if you haven't gathered any dots to connect!
FiNAlly! AN A CAPellA wITH PIzazz!
A Ca Pella - The top video clips of the week are here
this is awesome! an acappella group with some pizazz and imagination! outfits aside, i've imagined a group like this from the age of 14 or so.
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