April 12, 2010

DID I Tell yOu?

i've been going thru some keepsakes of mine lately and came across this card my mother gave me a few years back...my how things have changed!  this year, i turn 40!  and a "few years back" doesn't seem all that long ago, especially since i feel like i'm in my mid 20s.  but thinking about it more deeply and trying to remember specifics to a time and place rather than a simply nodding acquaintance, it truly does feel, sometimes, that i've come to this point in my life via days from numerous lifetimes ago.

DID I Tell yOu?
-ELiZaBeth knapp

for all who have wondered...
did i tell you?

now that you are
almost grown, i look back
and ask myself
     did i tell you?
did i tell you all that i
meant to tell you, all that
i felt was important.
did i tell you or was it
lost in the shuffle of our
everyday lives.  the busy
full days when we taught
and didn't know it.
did we teach?  was
it strong?  was it good?
will it root you in something
real that will allow you
to grow with a firm and
sound foundation?
     did i tell you...

did i tell you
to love, not with
a fair weather
love, but with a
love that accepts
and cherishes
love not with a
quick and passing
love, but with a
love that is a
quiet peace within
your heart.

did i tell you
to be thoughtful.
not to be a martyr
or doormat to be
trod upon,
but to
be aware of other
people and their
needs.  to meet others
with awareness and
within your own
framework be able to
meet them half way
and on occasion
go the other half

did i tell you
to be courteous.
not to display
empty maners
with no meaning
but to live the
courtesy born of
caring.  and to
express this caring
through the small
formalities and
customs born of
the years.
did i tell you to be bold.
to be not afraid of the
unknown, but to live life
to the fullest and meet
each new experience with
joy and anticipation.
and did i tell you to be
be cautious.  to temper your
daring and sense of adventure
with good judgment and

did i tell you
to serve other
people if only
in a small way.
there is growth and
satisfaction in being
part of something
larger than yourself
and your life will be
richer for knowing this

did i tell you to maintain a
sense of the past.  to recall
and uphold all that is best
and meaningful in our country
and in our society.  but
never be afraid to speak out
where you don't believe or
where there is room for
imporvement.  work for what
you believe, but work in a
positive way within a
structure of order and reason.
did i tell you
to find a part
of nature that
speaks to you
then know it
intimately and
well.  for some
it is a mountain peak,
for some
a windswept beach. 
find your
own and in it
find your restoration.

did i tell
you to laugh,
to dance, to
there is a
lot in life that
is hard, but
take it as it
comes and find
the good...
and make
time to dance.

did i tell you
to be creative
to explore the
seed within you.
find your creative spirit
and let it grow.

and did i tell you the
challenge of being a man-
the challenge of balancing
your worlds-
the need to achieve and
the need to nurture-
the need to be strong and
the need to be tender-
the need to meed the tests
that life brings yet always
keep love at the center-
letting it be the star by
which you set your sail.

did i tell you
these things as
we went along
the way?
if i did i am
humbly grateful.
if i did not then you
must choose for yourself.
if it has meaning, accept
it and make it your
own.  if it does not,
discard it.  your life is
yours to build as you

and did i tell you...
i hope it will be a good life

April 11, 2010

roMancE oF thE rose

"when i to you
of those things spake,
'twas with the view
of showing briefly what
i meant in parable,
thereto was bent
my reasoning. 

whoso'er should
see the words of
scripture literally,
ere long would pierce
the sense obscure
that lies beneath
their coverture. 

uplift the veil
that hideth truth,
and bright it flashes
forth forsooth. this shalt
thou find if thou rehearse
the noble stories writ
in verse by ancient poets. 

great delight will flood
thy soul if thou aright
dost read, for thou shalt
see unrolled secret
philosophy of old,
profiting thou amused
shalt be, and thine
amusement porofit thee,
for oft their quip
and crank and fable
is wondrous good
and profitable,
and much deep
subtle thought they hide
'neath veils torn easily asunder."
