"You could be honest too
if you'd only try," said the
"Think how wonderful it would be
to settle down and live a comfortable life
and not have to think about somebody chasing you
all the time."
if you'd only try," said the
"Think how wonderful it would be
to settle down and live a comfortable life
and not have to think about somebody chasing you
all the time."
admittedly, i've not read all that much since graduating from college. i've been, i suppose, rather "busy" since then. nowadays, i've a bit more time to myself and having not read much in many years, i've found my mind's curiosity and voracious need for new information almost insatiable. i've been gobbling up and soaking in as much information as possible on a great many and varied topics. being drawn in so many directions i, often times, find myself only being able to dedicate a "short while" to feeding my promiscuous and somewhat unfocused intellect.
for you see, this is my way. this is how i like it. i am a gemini....an air sign. we geminis blow furiously or slow. rarely do we blow your socks off. but when we do and that weather vane is about to come unhitched from its perch, know that we are just having fun. we don't mean any harm. when we blow on you to almost knock you over, well, we're still having fun. meaning, we enjoy blowing your hair all around...blowing your skirt up...blowing and blowing and blowing some more to lift you up in debate. i'm not totally certain about other geminis, but for me, when i'm in debate, that's really all it is. other signs would see this as a heated argument. but fear not! even if you are engaged in a "heated argument" with that charming, creative, passionate and loving gem of a gemini, understand that much of it is an "exercise". it may look like a tornado ripped thru your relationship or what have you, but the winds do die down almost as quickly as they came up and the light and warm breeze returns and gently loves you and kisses your wind-chaffed lips.
however, because we are so adaptable, most of the time we just breeze along just as happy as can be so long as we are not confined. we enjoy going this way and that, changing direction as we see fit. to other signs (EARTH especially), this blowing about aimlessly seems very chaotic. we are viewed as being fickle or indecisive....as having no direction...as having no solid opinions. but what these folks don't understand about us is...well, that's the way we like it. we do have direction and goals albeit that direction, most of the time, is not from point "A" to point "B". we like to meander around and check out points "C", "R", "A", "Z", "Y" before we make a decision. we like to inhale all vAIRriables possible, scrutinize it, think about it for a bit, then ATTACK! the only time we go from "A" to "B" directly and swiftly is when we are inspired by creativity and fun. we are great generators of ideas that come from outside the box. we are wonderful project "starters"; however, our "sticktuitiveness" and follow thru is lacking especially if that project lasts longer than we think it should. we get tired and, quite frankly, bored in a short period of time. we like to be on the go most of the time. we have gobs of interests and most of which we have not experienced in life we at least have an interest in trying it out. when we know what we want, we GO FOR IT! when we know what we KNOW and someone disagrees or believes what we are saying is incorrect, then we become the most stubborn of beings who will fight for our beliefs. when a gemini really....and i mean REALLY... knows something...or won't back down what so ever in debate, you better take note and think about what's taking place. you see, we are adaptable and mutable. we blow and bend with thoughts and ideas. we wisp about with our curious eyes wide-open at all times. we blow up ideas and information like a twister would trees, fences and rooftops. we carry this "debris" with us and pick up more along the way....clashing and colliding...mixing and matching the various tidbits and determine what works for us and what does not. we are fair and consider all that we take in. what doesn't fit in at that given moment is discarded from our swirling minds but it is not forgotten. we drop that junk from our airy grasp and shoot it back out, scattering it across the land. we know where to find it again if we need it and we run like the wind to retrieve it. we are much like the character Cliff Clavin, from "CHEERS". i'm certain he was a gemini. he was an expert in nothing but had a nodding acquaintace with everything. if i needed a partner in a game of TRIVIAL PURSUIT or had to choose an individual to be my "call-a-friend" lifeline, cliff is who i'd pick.
anyway, this post is an excellent example of what i've described above: i started out with one topic and ended up somewhere else altogether. my intent was to list a short story a friend suggested to me. and so here it is...