July 13, 2010

pEarls oF WisdoM


“Here lies the gentle knight under stout;

Who to such height as valour got,

That, if you got mark his theeds throughout,

Death over his life triumphed not

With bringing of his death about

The world as nothing lie did trieze

For as a scarecrow in men’s eyes

He lived, and was their bugbear too;

And had the luck, with much ado,

To live a fool, and yet die wise ”

sophisticated human reasoning will be based on nothing more than the "YADA YADA" of a FOOL.  "YAD
A" is indeed a real word and not just something you heard on SEINFELD.  YADA in hebrew means "TO KNOW".  to know that you are a fool is divine.  despite our EGOS (pride, know-it-all's, power mongers, control freaks, etc) we are not the center of the universe.  illumination, nirvanah, enlightenment....whatever you want to call it, opposes the "proud" (arrogant/egoist) but gives grace to the modest, the humble, the open-minded, the adaptors, etc..  one should always be aware that everything we say, think or do is before the presence of the divine audience. 

WISDOM, "T"rue wisdom only comes thru knowledge and beauty.  it is the unseen third pillar of spiritual enlightenment, the third piece of a very simple puzzle...difficult to attain and MAINTAIN.  piece #3 makes up the "triform", the "father, son, holy ghost", the "father, mother, child", the geometrical shape we call a "triangle" which, so far as we know, is, structurally, the strongest form.  huh!  those egyptians were pretty smart. many forget that egypt was a bustling city of activity with buildings and houses much like our own today.  yet, as we see egypt today or what pictures are cunjured up in our minds when someone utters its name, are pyramids, right?  if our cities crumbled today and only those structures resembling that of the ancient pyramids of egypt (not to mention pyramids from ALL AROUND THE WORLD!), what would remain left standing?  what would remain left standing over thousands of years?  perhaps the folks of atlantis could better answer that question for us.  oh, but wait!  atlantis supposedly didn't exist...it's just a story.  a mystical, magical, mysterious metropolis that just vanished without a trace.  a place of fantasy about which plato deemed worthy of writing.  plato, i'm sure, got tired of the nitty gritty philosophical mumbo jumbo and needed a break from it all.  thus the birth of "fiction".  way to go, plato! 

in modern cultures, especially western, the more knowledge someone has, the better...especially with regard to technology...computers and the sciences which seek to control the environment for the supposed good of mankind.  many of our advancements are great to a point but it's going overboard....it's getting WAY OFF-BALANCE!  when things become so, it crumbles...it falls...it crashes.  the forces of nature are truly committed to nmaintaining this balance and there ain't nuthin' the great and all-mighty man with all of his accumulated knowledge, technological gadgetry, genetically-engineered seeds or animals can do to save him.  what's that butter commercials slogan from years ago?  "it's not nice to fool mother nature!"

many today THINK they possess wisdom but it is often shrouded in ego or fear...those who are egotistical, "i'm right, you're wrong" types, discriminate, and so on.  tollerance is a good start and the pathway which leads to a mystical, magical, mysterious metropolis called "acceptance".  unlike dorothy in the "wizard of oz", you needn't an appointment to gain access to the city.   the key to "acceptance" is within each and every one of us...NATURALLY.  that key is LOVE.  what's more, that key opens lots of other doors too. 

so, be a fool.  be a wise fool.  it is one ting to be deceived by another, but to fool yourself is the worst of all because the self becomes divided and unable to provide a unifed defense against the power of the lie which incapacitates the ability to see what is necessary in your life.  self-deception is a universal condition.  we are self-justifying creatures, prone to believe our own propaganda and wishful thinking.  we are apt to be biased in our self-examination and ready to excuse ourselves at every turn, rationalizing our behaviour and suppressing the "T"ruth about ourselves in order to quell the voice of conscience within our hearts.  when faced with an inconsistency between our behaviour and romanticized self-image, we often regard ourselves as something that we are not. worry not about what your spouse, lover, friend, neighbor does.  do your own work.  then step back and have a look.  those who overcome themselves are strong.  "i do. i undo. i re-do," is a motto of mine taken from a work of art by louise bourgeois.  the journey of the "self" includes the journey of the "other".  we NEED eachother.  we are not meant to be alone, unloved, unaccepted.  you, yourself, cannot increase in self-understanding and well-being and simultaneously remain in separated.  we are many but we are one. 

TYPES OF FOOLS:  which one are you? 

PE'TI' - the "SIMPLE ONE" - immature, easily seduced and (seemingly) unaware.

KESIL - the "DULLARD" - obstinately opinionated and slow to realization.

`EVIL - "the FOOL" - mocks "sin", doesn't care about consequences.

NAVAL - the "BOOR" -  shameless and profane

LEITZ/YALITZ - the "SCORNER" - the "worst" of all - cynically and bitterly mocks everything in the world resulting in destruction.
